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Powdery Mildew
Powdery Mildew Course
Powdery Mildew Biology and Control Part 1
Powdery Mildew Biology and Control Quiz 1
Powdery Mildew Biology and Control Quiz 1
Part A Question
1. What problematic virus do Mealybug vector?
Grapevine Fanleaf Virus
Grapevine Red Blotch Virus
Grapevine Leafroll Associated Virus
Part B Question
1. What makes the Vine Mealybug more problematic than other mealybugs?
Honeydew Production
Defensive fluid color
A higher number of generations per year
Ability to fly longer distances.
Final 10 Questions
1. How do you release the defensive secretion from mealybugs?
Stab them with something sharp.
Poke them without puncturing them.
Yell at them.
Burn them with a hot object.
2. What is the most problematic type of damage caused by mealybugs?
Vectoring Viruses.
Direct feeding damage.
Production of honeydew.
Honeydew acting as a substrate for sooty mold infection.
3. Where do Mealybugs overwinter?
On cover crops.
On nearby wood perennial plants.
Under the bark on the trunk and upper root system.
4. When is the best time to scout for mealybugs?
On cold mornings with temperatures in the 50’s °F.
On warm mornings with temperatures above 65 °F.
On windy mornings.
In the evening.
5. How do mealybug males find a female?
An intricate mating dance.
A species-specific pheromone.
A specialized vocalization.
6. What can mealybug pheromone be used for?
To capture mealybug males in order to monitor population numbers.
To prevent mealybug males from finding females.
To trick mealybug males into fighting each other.
To both monitor mealybug population density and prevent mealybug males from finding a mate.
7. When does mating disruption work best?
When mealybug populations are larger.
When mealybug populations are smaller.
When mealybug populations are migrating.
When mealybug populations are overwintering
8. What other insect are good at protecting mealybugs?
Lady Beetles and Green Lacewings.
Anagyrus pseudococci and Leptomastix epona.
The Grape Cane Borer.
Argentine ants and Native Gray ants.
9. How should you decide what insecticide to use when treating mealybugs?
Go with what worked last year.
Go with what your neighbor uses.
Don’t use one, always rotate, rotate, rotate.
10. Movento (Spirotetramet) has an unusual way of being activated, what is needed to activate Movento (Spirotetramet)?
Movento (Spirotetramet) requires an active canopy to become activated.
Movento (Spirotetramet) requires high temperatures to become activated.
Movento (Spirotetramet) requires light exposure to become activated.
This is a trick question Movento (Spirotetramet) doesn’t require anything to be effective.