2020 Wine and Grape Industry Forum
We are excited to announce there will be an in-person Forum this year!
This year’s Forum will be taking on a whole new look. Several winery members have offered to host a small group at their venue. Each location will have at least one speaker at it, and all locations will be streaming to the other locations when that speaker is ready to share their presentation.
The day will start later than usual to allow attendees to use their mornings as they wish, and join us for lunch.
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Speakers include:
- Stephen Rannekleiv of Rabobank: The Market and Economics of the Wine Industry
- Jeff Bitter of Allied Grape Growers: 2020 Crush and What Happened
- Brian Clements of Turrentine Brokerage: Winegrape Market and the Fallout from 2020
- Senator Andreas Borgeas California State Senator for District 8: Politics and Agriculture: What Do We Get to Look Forward to Now
- Bill Harrison of Harrison Company: Matching Investors to California Agricultural Enterprises: The Appeal and Benefits
- Ben Slaughter of Colliers International: Land Values: Changes are Afoot
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